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Initial Email Sent to Submitters of RPL Reports

The text below is a generic version of the initial email that the PRL Service Bureau sends out when we receive a report submission.  This version of the message is for submitters that did not make any applications.  The messages to companies that made applications or sales are similar, but include a list of the files received.  The contact information is slightly different if the submitters include a business registration or commercial permit number. 

Dear Customer:

This email message indicates that your PRL Annual Report for 2023 was received at PRL Support. This does NOT indicate that your Annual Report has been accepted. This message has been automatically generated in response to the receipt of your pesticide submission. Your report was received after the due date and may be subject to fines or penalties.

Certification Number: C1234567
Applicator Name: John Q. Public
Phone: (315) 123-4567
Email Address: m[email protected]
Contact Person: John Q. Public Jr.

You are reporting that you made no applications during 2023.

Your report has been given a Submission Number of: 499123.

Please include this Submission Number in the Subject line of future correspondence about your submission. (As an example, see the Subject line of this message.)

The submission conforms to our basic formatting requirements. We will process your report within 1-2 weeks and will send you a status update via email shortly after that.

It is important that you periodically recheck your inbox for this status update.

Please print this email message or save a copy in an accessible, secure electronic place.

Thank you,
NYS Pesticide Reporting Service Bureau

If you need further assistance or have any other questions, please contact us at:

1-800-281-7538 (toll free in New York State)
1-607-255-9098 (a toll call outside of New York State)
Both numbers are answered Monday-Friday, 9:30-5:30 and have voice mail.

1-518-402-8748 (NYS DEC - Albany. Monday-Friday 8:30-4:45)

[email protected]

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