Option A Getting Started Guide
Option D with Control Center User Guide
Options D and O Spreadsheets User Guide
The information on this page only applies to version 6.1 of the Reporting Software Options and related documentation. See this page for other versions of the documentation. The version number of the PRL software you are using can be found on the Help menu under the About item.
Option A - When you hover the mouse over a cell or click in a cell, the data description for the column is displayed.
Option B - When you hover the mouse over the column header, the data description for the column is displayed. Review this description if you are unsure of why a cell failed validation. Cell descriptions are also displayed if you click in a cell. Note that these descriptive prompts can be dragged to another location if you need to move them.
Option A makes available all three validation methods listed below; Option B makes the first two available.
This method does not validate cells in which you did not make an entry. Since most columns are required, you should use one of the two methods listed below in order to validate the whole file.
Files submitted with errors may be rejected by or returned from the Pesticide Reporting Service Bureau. Please correct all validation errors. Contact us if you need help with the validation process or making corrections to your report.