Applicators and/or commercial sales permittee did not make applications or sales during the report year.All commercial applicators, technicians, anti-fouling applicators and/or commercial permittees that made applications or sales during the report year must file a report or be included on their employer's report.  Due to a change in the Pesticide Reporting Law applicators and permittees that did not make applications or sales are not required to file a report.
Applicators believe the company, business or agency will/must file an annual report for them.Businesses are not required to file annual reports for employees, though many do.
Applicators and/or commercial sales permittees did not get the reminder notice or email from the NYSDEC, and failed to reportReports must be filed even if the reminder is not received.
Incorrect certification ID number(s) and/or commercial permit numbers are listed in the report.We use your ID number to associate you with your report, so it is critical that you report the correct certification ID number(s) and/or commercial permit numbers.