The text below is a generic version of the email that the PRL Service Bureau sends out after we have accepted a report submission.  The contact information is slightly different depending on the types of ID numbers (certification, business registration and/or commercial permit numbers) included in the submission. 

Submission Number: 499123

Your 2023 PRL Submission has been accepted. Listed below are all Commercial Applicators, Technicians, and Commercial Sales Permit numbers (if any) that were included in your submission. If this list is accurate, no further action is required at this time. If there are applicators that should be included in your submission that are not listed, please contact us to amend your submission.

If you need to add an applicator, provide the following information: Applicator full name (given and surname), certification id number, and whether or not they made applications in 2023. If the applicator made applications not already included in your submission, send a new Form 26 file as well.

Acceptance of your Annual Report does not indicate confirmation of the accuracy of the information you submitted, nor preclude future enforcement action should your report be found to contain false information as the result of a records inspection. If you later amend your report(s), your submission must be checked again to be accepted.

Business Registration Number: 87654
Applicators and Technicians:

If you have any questions please contact PRL Support at:
EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE: 800-281-7538 (toll free in New York State) or at 607-255-9098 (a toll call) outside of New York State