Option A Getting Started Guide
Option D with Control Center User Guide
Options D and O Spreadsheets User Guide
There are several ways to submit your electronic PRL reports to the NYS DEC. You may also submit your paper PRL report to the NYSDEC.
When you are done, both the PRL Software upload function and the web upload site will display a list of the files uploaded. They will also provide you with the submission number of your report. Please make a note of the submission number; if you contact the Pesticide Reporting Service Bureau, we will need it to access your report.
The email response sent by the Pesticide Reporting Service Bureau when reports are submitted by the web, our reporting software or email also contains a list of the files we received and your submission number. Please retain this response email as documentation of your submission.
Our PRL Reporting Software Options A, B, and C all include the ability to upload your report files directly to our server. If you are using Option A, b or C, the Upload to NYSDEC function is the quickest and easiest way to submit your report.
Some users in tightly controlled enterprise environments might not be able to use the upload function. The web site upload is a good alternative for those users.
The PRL Web Upload site allows you to upload existing report files or to report that you made no applications. Pesticide sales businesses can upload their reports or report the no sales were made.
If you uploaded a ZIP file, the Web Upload site will include the contents of the ZIP file in the list of uploaded files that it displays.
Compose an email. Indicate the report year in the subject line. Attach the report files to the email.
The report year is the year for which you are reporting pesticide applications or sales — this may be the previous calendar year.
You must also attach the file identity.txt. This file is created by our reporting software and some third-party pesticide software products; you can also create it yourself. Please do not include identity information in the body of your email; doing so will slow down processing of your submission.
Email your files to: [email protected].
You should receive an email response from [email protected] acknowledging receipt of your submission. This message is not an automated reply. During peak reporting season (roughly mid-December through early February), the receipt email will generally be sent by the next business day; at other times of the year, the receipt email will be sent within a few days.
For conventional mailing of floppy disks or CD-ROMs, please send to
Each diskette or CD-ROM should include a label with the full name of the certified applicator and/or business of origin and a contact phone number. PLEASE NOTE: Along with your application or sales report, the disk must also contain the file identity.txt
. This file might be created for you by the software you use to enter your pesticide use or sales data, or you can create it yourself.
The address above can also be used for submitting paper reports. Please do not submit both electronic and paper reports.
PRL report files may be submitted using FTP. Very few report submissions require FTP transmission. In almost all cases, one of the other submission methods will work as well and will probably be more convenient for you. (We have not received any FTP submissions in the last several years.)
To maintain the level of security required, if you wish to use this service, you must contact technical support. Technical support will supply the information necessary to conduct a secure FTP transmission of the Pesticide Reporting data. Upon request, the FTP configuration information and password will be provided via Email, FAX, or verbally from technical support. To ensure privacy of data, the password is changed for each new session.
To facilitate the FTP submission option, an FTP client program is recommended. These are readily available from a number of sites on the Internet and can be used for evaluation or for purchase.