Versions Compared


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This dictionary describes the contents of each column on each of the four PRL forms , its data type and maximum width and whether the column is required.  If or files if your report consists of files created by a third-party application , the dictionary lists the file type(s) for each column.  The widths specified are the maximum allowable widths for the columns. Include Page_FormColumns_FormColumns

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Column Descriptions




Report the street address including the building or lot number where the pesticide was applied or the purchaser intended to apply.  We cannot accept P.O. Boxes in this column. 

Forms: 26, 27

Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: 26, 27

Required: yes

Column Type: reporting

Maximum Width: 50

Data Type: Character

Applications Indicator

Indicates whether or not this applicator made pesticide applications in the report year

Forms: 26A

Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: 26, 26A


titleOption C/Third-Party Software

Enter a “0” in this field if applications were made in the report year OR a “3” if no applications were made. If “3” (No Applications), all other fields except Certification ID and Business Registration must be empty.  


Required: yes

Column Type: reporting

Maximum Width: 1

Data Type: Numeric

Applicator First Name

First name and middle name (if reported) of the  commercial applicator, technician, or anti-fouling paint applicator employed by the registered business, privately-owned golf course, cemetery, greenhouse or private school.

Forms: 26A

Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: 26, 26A

Required: yes

Column Type: reporting

Maximum Width: 15

Data Type: Character

Applicator Last Name

Last name of the  commercial applicator, technician, or anti-fouling paint applicator employed by the registered business, privately-owned golf course, cemetery, greenhouse or private school.

Forms: 26A

Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: 26A

Required: yes

Column Type: reporting

Maximum Width: 25

Data Type: Character

Business Registration Number

The ID number issued to pesticide application businesses or agencies by the DEC.  The field must contain 5 numeric digits (e.g. 52197).

Forms: 26A

Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: 26, 26A

Required: In most cases this field is required. An exception was made to this requirement to allow privately-owned golf courses, cemeteries, greenhouses and private schools to report using form 26A.

Column Type: reporting

Maximum Width: 5

Data Type: Numeric

Certification ID Number

Excerpt IncludeGlossaryGlossarynopaneltrue

or manually.   It also gives the sequence of columns or record layout for each form type.

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The attributes in the dictionary entries are

Forms: the form type on which the column appears.

Third-Party Software Files: the text file type on which the field/column appears.  This attribute only applies to files you created without using our software.

Required: is the column optional or required.

Column Type: Columns can either be reporting, record-keeping columns.  Reporting columns contain data that must be submitted to NYSDEC under the PRL; record-keeping columns are data that you are required to maintain but do not have to submit.  You are not required to use our software to retain these data items.

Maximum Width: maximum allowable width for the column.

Data Type: the type of data that the column should contain.  See the data type descriptions for more information.

Domain: the set of allowable values.

       Notes: additional information about the column.

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Record Layouts

For the record layouts of files created by third-party software or manually, see the Text File Specifications.

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Column Descriptions


Report the street address including the building or lot number where the pesticide was applied or the purchaser intended to apply.  We cannot accept P.O. Boxes in this column. 

Forms: 26, 27

Third-Party Software Files: 26, 27

Forms: 26A

Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: 26, 26A

Required: yes

Column Type: reporting

Maximum Width: 8

Data Type: Character

Commercial Permit Number

The ID number issued to the Commercial Sales Permittee by the DEC. The field must contain the letter “R” followed by 5 numeric digits. (e.g. R00001).

Forms: none

Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: 25, 27

Required: yes

Column Type: reporting

Maximum Width: 6

Data Type: Character

Container Size Quantity

The numeric component of the container size for the containers that were sold. For example, if you sold 10 containers that were 2.5 gallons a piece, the Container Size Quantity is 2.5. Use only numbers and, if applicable, a decimal point in this column.

Forms: 25

Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: 25

Required: yes

Column Type: reporting

Maximum Width: 6

Data Type: Decimal

Containers Sold

The number of containers of the product that were sold.  For example, if you sold 10 containers that were 2.5 gallons a piece, the Containers Sold is 10.  Integers only; do not include decimal digits in this column.


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Do not report the number of cases sold or the number of containers per case.

Forms: 25

Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: 25

Required: yes

Column Type: reporting

Maximum Width: 850

Data Type: Numeric

Scroll office only

Do not report the number of cases sold or the number of containers per case.

County Code

The county where the application was made (Form 26) or where the private applicator intends to apply the pesticide (Form 27).  A list of county codes is included in the appendix. As an added convenience, a county codepopup dialog is available to help you select the correct county code. 


Applications Indicator

Indicates whether or not this applicator made pesticide applications in the report year

Forms: 26A

Third-Party Software Files: 26, 26A

Required: yes

Column Type: reporting

Maximum Width: 1

Data Type: Numeric

Domain: Option A: check the box if no applications were made. 

               Option B: “Y” if applications were made; “N” if no applications were made. 

               Third-Party Software Files: “0” if applications were made; “3” if no applications were made.  If column set to “3”, all other fields except Certification ID and Business Registration must be empty.

Applicator First Name

First name and middle name (if reported) of the  commercial applicator, technician, or anti-fouling paint applicator employed by the registered business, privately-owned golf course, cemetery, greenhouse or private school.

Forms: 26A

Third-Party Software Files: 26A

Required: yes

Column Type: reporting

Maximum Width: 15

Data Type: Character

Applicator Last Name

Last name of the  commercial applicator, technician, or anti-fouling paint applicator employed by the registered business, privately-owned golf course, cemetery, greenhouse or private school.

Forms: 26A

Third-Party Software Files: 26A

Required: yes

Column Type: reporting

Maximum Width: 25

Data Type: Character

Business Registration Number

The ID number issued to pesticide application businesses or agencies by the DEC.  The field must contain 5 numeric digits (e.g. 52197).

Forms: 26A

Third-Party Software Files: 26, 26A

Required: In most cases this field is required. An exception was made to this requirement to allow privately-owned golf courses, cemeteries, greenhouses and private schools to report using form 26A.

Forms: 26, 27

Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: 26, 27

Required: yes

Column Type: reporting

Maximum Width: 2

Data Type: Numeric


The date of application (Form 26) or the date the product was sold (Form 27). Date values must be entered in one of these formats (where mm=month, dd=day, yyyy=year):

  • mm/dd/yyyy
  • mm-dd-yyyy
  • mm-dd
  • mm/dd
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    Two-digit years are also accepted.  If the year is omitted, the application will use the report year.


    Form 26 includes an End Date column that is used to specify the end of a date range where the Application Date is the beginning of the range.  This column is for automated applications (e.g. cooling towers, water treatment facilities). Leave this column blank if you do not make automated applications.

    Forms: 26, 27

    Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: 26, 27

    Required: Application Date, Sales Date: yes; End Date: no

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 105

    Data Type: Date

    Scroll office only

    Two-digit years are also accepted.  If the year is omitted, the application will use the report year.


    Dosage Rate

    Enter the amount of pesticide used for a given application; e.g., 1 fluid ounce/gallon (FL/GL); 1 gram/12 inches (GM/IN), etc. (This is the premix or final mix dosage rate listed on the pesticide label.)

    Forms: 26

    Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: none

    Required: no

    Column Type: record keeping

    Maximum Width: 50

    Data Type: Character

    EPA Registration Number

    Report the EPA Registration Number, exactly as it appears on the product label. It is a two or three part number in which the parts are separated by hyphens or dashes (e.g. 3125-474-538 or 3125-474).  The first part may have up to six digits, the second up to five, and the third optional part up to six.  Do not include any leading zeroes (e.g. 3125-474, not 003125-00474).


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    Be sure to enter the EPA Registration Number. and not the EPA Establishment NumberEstablishment Numbers have a state abbreviation as the second part of the number (e.g. 99999-NY-002).


    This column and the Product Name can be filled in by selecting a product in the EPA Reg Number List or by typing in the cell. 

    Forms: 25,26, 27

    Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: 25, 26, 27

    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 24

    Data Type: Character

    Scroll office only

    Be sure to enter the EPA Registration Number. and not the EPA Establishment NumberEstablishment Numbers have a state abbreviation as the second part of the number (e.g. 99999-NY-002).


    Method of Application

    Method used to apply the pesticide (broadcast, hand placement, aerial, etc.)

    Forms: 26

    Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: none

    Required: no

    Column Type: record keeping

    Maximum Width: 50

    Data Type: Character



    Certification ID Number

    Excerpt Include

    Forms: 26A

    Third-Party Software Files: 26, 26A

    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 8

    Data Type: Character

    Commercial Permit Number

    The ID number issued to the Commercial Sales Permittee by the DEC. The field must contain the letter “R” followed by 5 numeric digits. (e.g. R00001).

    Forms: none

    Third-Party Software Files: 25, 27

    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 6

    Data Type: Character

    Container Size Quantity

    The numeric component of the container size for the containers that were sold. For example, if you sold 10 containers that were 2.5 gallons a piece, the Container Size Quantity is 2.5. Use only numbers and, if applicable, a decimal point in this column.

    Forms: 25

    Third-Party Software Files: 25

    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 6

    Data Type: Decimal

    Containers Sold

    The number of containers of the product that were sold.  For example, if you sold 10 containers that were 2.5 gallons a piece, the Containers Sold is 10.  Integers only; do not include decimal digits in this column.

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    Do not report the number of cases sold or the number of containers per case.

    Forms: 25

    Third-Party Software Files: 25

    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 8

    Data Type: Numeric

    Scroll Only

    Do not report the number of cases sold or the number of containers per case.

    County Code

    The county where the application was made (Form 26) or where the private applicator intends Report the village, town or city where the pesticide was applied  (Form 26) or the purchaser intended to apply the pesticide (Form 27).  The municipality name should match the zip code (e.g., 11375 should be Forest Hills and not Queens).

    Forms: 26, 27

    Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: 26, 27

    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 30

    Data Type: Character

    Place of Application

    Enter the specific location where the pesticide was applied (e.g. greens 3 & 7 of golf course; front lawn area, restaurant kitchen, etc.)

    Forms: 26

    Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: none

    Required: no

    Column Type: record keeping

    Maximum Width: 50

    Data Type: Character

    Product Name

    Report the registered product name (not the active ingredient name).  This column and the EPA Registration Number can be filled in by selecting a product in the EPA Reg Number List (Option A & B) or by typing in the cell. 

    Forms: 25, 26, 27

    Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: 25, 26, 27

    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 65

    Data Type: Character

    Quantity Applied

    The undiluted amount of pesticide applied; that is the amount of product used out of the manufacturer’s container.  Convert all fractions to decimals (e.g. 3/4 = 0.75).

    Forms: 26

    A list of county codes is included in the appendix. As an added convenience, a county codepopup dialog is available in Options A and B to help you select the correct county code.  

    For applications that cross a county, municipality, township, or zip code boundaries, you must enter complete information for each location where the pesticide application occurred or will occur. Do this by entering a new row for each separate location. Distribute the total amount applied (or intended to be applied) among the rows, making your best estimate for how much was or will be applied in each location.

    Forms: 26, 27

    Third-Party Software Files: 26, 27

    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 2

    Data Type: Numeric


    The date of application (Form 26) or the date the product was sold (Form 27). Date values must be entered in one of these formats (where mm=month, dd=day, yyyy=year):

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    • mm/dd/yyyy
    • mm-dd-yyyy
    • mm-dd
    • mm/dd
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    Two-digit years are also accepted.  If the year is omitted, the application will use the report year.

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    -> mm/dd/yyyy

    -> mm-dd-yyyy

    -> mm-dd

    -> mm/dd

    Form 26 includes an End Date column that is used to specify the end of a date range where the Application Date is the beginning of the range.  This column is for automated applications (e.g. cooling towers, water treatment facilities). Leave this column blank if you do not make automated applications.

    Forms: 26, 27

    Third-Party Software Files: 26, 27

    Required: Application Date, Sales Date: yes; End Date: no

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 10

    Data Type: Date

    Scroll Only

    Two-digit years are also accepted.  If the year is omitted, the application will use the report year.

    Dosage Rate

    Enter the amount of pesticide used for a given application; e.g., 1 fluid ounce/gallon (FL/GL); 1 gram/12 inches (GM/IN), etc. (This is the premix or final mix dosage rate listed on the pesticide label.)

    Forms: 26

    Third-Party Software Files: none

    Required: no

    Column Type: record keeping

    Maximum Width: 50

    Data Type: Character

    Enduse/Resale Indicator(s)

    Indicates whether the sales on Form 25 are to other commercial permit holders for resale or to certified applicators for end use.

    Forms: 25

    Third-Party Software Files: 25

    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 1

    Data TypeCharacter

    Domain: Third-Party Software Files - there are separate fields for each indicator.  Enter "X" in either the end use or resale field, but not both. 

                   Option A & B - click the radio button that corresponds to the appropriate sales type.

    EPA Registration Number

    Report the EPA Registration Number, exactly as it appears on the product label. It is a two or three part number in which the parts are separated by hyphens or dashes (e.g. 3125-474-538 or 3125-474).  The first part may have up to six digits, the second up to five, and the third optional part up to six.  Do not include any leading zeroes (e.g. 3125-474, not 003125-00474).

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    Be sure to enter the EPA Registration Number. and not the EPA Establishment NumberEstablishment Numbers have a state abbreviation as the second part of the number (e.g. 99999-NY-002).

    This column and the Product Name can be filled in by selecting a product in the EPA Reg Number List (Options A & B) or by typing in the cell. 

    Forms: 25, 26, 27

    Third-Party Software Files: 25, 26, 27

    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 24

    Data Type: Character

    Scroll Only

    Be sure to enter the EPA Registration Number. and not the EPA Establishment NumberEstablishment Numbers have a state abbreviation as the second part of the number (e.g. 99999-NY-002).

    Method of Application

    Method used to apply the pesticide (broadcast, hand placement, aerial, etc.)

    Forms: 26

    Third-Party Software Files: none

    Required: no

    Column Type: record keeping

    Maximum Width: 50

    Data Type: Character


    Report the village, town or city where the pesticide was applied  (Form 26) or the purchaser intended to apply the pesticide (Form 27).  The municipality name should match the zip code (e.g., 11375 should be Forest Hills and not Queens).

    For applications that cross a county, municipality, township, or zip code boundaries, you must enter complete information for each location where the pesticide application occurred or will occur. Do this by entering a new row for each separate location. Distribute the total amount applied (or intended to be applied) among the rows, making your best estimate for how much was or will be applied in each location.

    Forms: 26, 27

    Third-Party Software Files: 26, 27

    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 30

    Data Type: Character

    Place of Application

    Enter the specific location where the pesticide was applied (e.g. greens 3 & 7 of golf course; front lawn area, restaurant kitchen, etc.)

    Forms: 26

    Third-Party Software Files: none

    Required: no

    Column Type: record keeping

    Maximum Width: 50

    Data Type: Character

    Product Name

    Report the registered product name (not the active ingredient name).  This column and the EPA Registration Number can be filled in by selecting a product in the EPA Reg Number List (Option A & B) or by typing in the cell. 

    Forms: 25, 26, 27

    Third-Party Software Files: 25, 26, 27Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: 26

    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 1365

    Data Type: DecimalCharacter




    The size of the container sold multiplied by the number of containers undiluted amount of pesticide applied; that is the amount of product used out of the manufacturer’s container.  Convert all fractions to decimals (e.g. 3/4 = 0.75).

    Forms: 27 26

    Option C/Third-Party Software File TypesFiles: 27 26

    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 13

    Data Type: Decimal

    Sales Indicator

    Indicates whether a pesticide sales permittee made sales during the report year.

    Forms: none

    Option C/Third-Party Software File Types: 25, 27


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    titleOption C/Third-Party Software

    Enter a “0” in this field if sales were made in the report year OR a “3” if no sales were made. If “3” (No Sales), all other fields except  Commercial Permit Number must be empty.  

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 13

    Data Type: Decimal

    Quantity Sold

    The size of the container sold multiplied by the number of containers.  Convert all fractions to decimals (e.g. 3/4 = 0.75).

    Forms: 27

    Third-Party Software Files: 27


    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 113

    Data Type: Numeric

    Scroll office only Info


    Sales Indicator

    Indicates whether a pesticide sales permittee made sales during the report year.

    Forms: none

    titleOption C/

    Third-Party Software

    Enter a “0” in this field

    Files: 25, 27

    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 1

    Data Type: Numeric

    Domain: “0” if sales were made

    in the report year OR a

    ; “3” if no sales were made.


    Notes:  If column set to “3” (No Sales), all other fields


    except Commercial Permit Number must be empty.



    Target Organism(s)

    Enter the name of the targeted pest(s). The targeted pest or organism must be listed on the pesticide label.

    Forms: 26

    Option C/Third-Party Software File TypesFiles: none

    Required: no

    Column Type: record keeping

    Maximum Width: 50

    Data Type: Character

    Units or Container Size Units

    The unit of measure applicable to the quantity applied or  sold. 

    stylemargin-left: 50px;margin-top: 20px;margin-bottom: 20px;
    titleAccepted Units of Measure...

    FL: Fluid Ounces

    GL: Gallons      

    GM: Grams        

    KG: Kilograms    

    L: Liters        

    LB: Pounds       

    MG: Milligrams   

    ML: Milliliters  

    OZ: Dry Ounces   

    QT: Quart


    The In Options A, B and D the Units column on Forms 26 and 27 and the Container Size Units column on Form 25have a drop-down list for easy entry of units. To use the list, click or tab into the cell, then click the  downward-pointing arrowhead and select one of the units.


    the list, click or tab into the cell, then click the  downward-pointing arrowhead and select one of the units.

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    Only the units listed in the drop-down list can be accepted.  Please do not enter values such as "each" or "case" which cannot be converted into a specific unit of measurement.


    Forms: 25,26, 27

    Option C/Third-Party Software File TypesFiles: 25, 26, 27

    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 2

    Data Type: Character

    Scroll Only

    Only the units listed in the drop-down list can be accepted.  Please do not enter values such as "each" or "case" which cannot be converted into a specific unit of measurement.


    Zip Code

    The five-digit zip code where the pesticide was applied (Form 26) or where the applicator intended to apply the pesticide (Form 27).

    For applications that cross a county, municipality, township, or zip code boundaryboundaries, you must enter complete information for each location where the pesticide application occurred or will occur. Do this by entering a new row for each separate location. Distribute the total amount applied (or intended to be applied) among the rows, making your best estimate for how much was or will be applied in each location.

    Forms: 26, 27

    Option C/Third-Party Software File TypesFiles: 26, 27

    Required: yes

    Column Type: reporting

    Maximum Width: 5

    Data Type: Numeric



    Data Type Descriptions

    • Character: Any printable ASCII character(s).
    • Date: One of these formats (where m = month, d = day, y = year)
      • mm/dd/yyyy
      • mm-dd-yyyy
      • mm/dd/yy
      • mm-dd-yy
      • mm/dd
      • mm-dd
    • Numeric: 0 – 9
    • Decimal: 0 – 9 and an optional decimal point (“.”).
      For numeric fields that include decimals, a decimal point and up to 4 digits to the right of the decimal point are accepted.