Option A Getting Started Guide
Option D with Control Center User Guide
Options D and O Spreadsheets User Guide
THE PESTICIDE REPORTING LAW (CHAPTER The Pesticide Reporting Law (Chapter 279, LAWS Laws OF 1996) requires the annual submission of reports detailing pesticide activities for the prior calendar year. Certified Commercial Applicatorscommercial applicators, Technicians technicians, Aquatic Anti-Fouling Paint Applicators and Commercial Permittees (including Importers, Manufacturers and Compounders aquatic anti-fouling paint applicators and commercial permittees (including importers, manufacturers and compounders) are required to submit the annual reports. Reports are due by February 1 of the year immediately following the reporting year even if no pesticide applications or sales were made. Violations of the Pesticide Reporting Law are subject to penalties of up to $10,000 and could result in the revocation of your applicator certification and/or pesticide business registration.
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If you have questions regarding the the Pesticide Reporting Law and reporting requirements, contact the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Pesticide Reporting and Certification Section:
By Phone: 518-402-8748
By Email: [email protected]
Or visit the website: http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/27506.html.
If you have questions about electronic reporting, contact the Electronic Reporting Service Bureau:
By Phone: 800-281-7538 (toll-free in New York State) or 607-257-5707 (a toll call outside of New York State)
By Email: [email protected]
Or visit the website: http://www.nysprl.com/
This document is intended for users of the Option A or B programs provided by the Pesticide Reporting Service Bureau. Please see the USER GUIDES that are included with the Option A and Option B software for instructions on how to use the software and submit your report. Read this document for information about what data to enter on Form 26.
Note: This document does not describe the format of PRL text files. See the Guidelines document for a detailed description of the text file format.
Form 26 is used to report all pesticide applications made by commercial applicators, technicians, anti-fouling paint applicators, and apprentices during the reporting year. Fully certified applicators that supervise apprentices must report applications made by those apprentices under the supervising applicator’s certification number (but see below for businesses with multiple certified applicators).
Pesticide businesses may submit annual reports for all applicator and technician employees by recording a single applicator’s name and certification ID on this form and listing all applicators and technicians employed by the business during the report year on a separate Form 26A. (In this case, applications made by apprentices can be included on the same Form 26, even if the supervising applicator is not the one shown on the Form 26.)
Your report can be transferred to the DEC using the “Upload Report To NYSDEC” feature of the software, through the Pesticide Reporting Service Bureau’s website, or by e-mail, diskette, CD-ROM, or FTP (see “How to Submit Your PRL Report” for more details).