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Change Report Root

The Change Report Root menu item allows you to move the location where your files are stored.  See Change Report Root for more information.

  • Menu Item: Tools -> Change Report Root (keystroke shortcut: Alt-T, R)

PRL Reporting Software Options: A, B, C

Change Report Year

The Change Year menu item/button allows you to create reports for a different report year.  See Change Year for more information.

  • Menu Item: Tools -> Change Year (keystroke shortcut: Alt-T, Y)
  • Button: Change Year (keystroke shortcut: Alt-Y)

PRL Reporting Software Options: A, B, C

Save Identity

Other Functions

There are several buttons and menu items available on the registration form that can help you prepare and submit your PRL report.

Save Identity


Saves the contact and identity information on

the registration form

the Control Center to the identity.txt file in the report year folder. Contact and identity information is automatically saved when you exit the program, open


PRL Form, or

start Upload Report

initiate an upload of your report, but this menu option lets you save the identity information whenever you want.

Change Report Root

  • Tools – Change Report Root (or Alt-T, R)

The Report Root is the parent folder for your PRL reports. It contains a folder for each Report Year; the sub-folders are named PRLyyyy, where “yyyy” is the report year. For example, if you set the Report Root to C:\PRL and create reports for 2011 and 2012, the C:\PRL folder will contain two subfolders: PRL2011 and PRL2012. The initial Report Root was set when you installed Option A; unless you change the default setting, the installation package set Report Root to C:\. However, you can change the Report Root at any time.

Why change the Report Root? Most users will not need to change the Report Root from whatever choice they made during installation. However, some users might desire more than one Report Root. For example, if you need to enter PRL reports for more than one business (e.g., if you complete PRL reports for several clients), you might find it convenient to create a separate Report Root for each business. This approach will help you to keep the identity information and report files for each business separate.

When you select the “Change Report Root” command, a standard Windows dialog opens to let you select the Report Root folder. You can create a new folder at this time or pick an existing folder. If the PRLyyyy subfolder does not yet exist for the current report year, it is created. If the identity.txt file already exists in the Report Year folder, it is opened and the contents loaded into the contact and information boxes of the Registration form; if the identity.txt file does not exist, the contact and identity entries from the Registration form are saved to a new file.

Report files are not automatically moved from the previous Report Folder to the newly selected one.

Change Report Year

  • Tools – Change Year ( or Alt-T, Y)
  • Change Year button (or Alt-Y)

The Report Year is the year in which the pesticide applications or sales that you are reported occurred. The current Report Year is prominently displayed near the top of the Registration form and each PRL data form. The current folder for report files is the PRLyyyy subfolder of the Report Root, where “yyyy” is the Report Year.

To create or edit PRL form files for a different Report Year, choose the Change Year button or menu item. You will be prompted for the year to which you want to change. You may not enter a future year.

If the Report Year folder (PRLyyyy) for the new year does not exist, it is created. If the identity.txt file already exists in the Report Year folder, it is opened and the contents loaded into the contact and information boxes of the Registration form; if the identity.txt file does not exist, the contact and identity entries from the Registration form are saved to a new file.

Report files are not automatically moved from the previous Report Folder to the newly selected one.

Edit Product List

  • Tools – Edit Product List (or Alt-T, E)

Scroll Ignore
  • Menu Item: File –> Save (keystroke shortcut: Alt-F, S)

PRL Reporting Software Options: A, B, C

Scroll Only

-> Menu Item: File –> Save (keystroke shortcut: Alt-F, S) 

PRL Reporting Software Options: A, B, C

Edit Product List



Product List is a list of pesticide products (EPA Registration Numbers and Product Names) that you use frequently when preparing PRL reports.

The Product List makes it easier for you to enter data into PRL Form 25, 26, and 27 by letting you enter product information once and then selecting a product from the list.

  This command opens a dialog box with which you can create or edit your Product List.

A Product Selector is shown on

  You can also open the EPA Product List dialog from Forms 25, 26


and 27

as a convenient way for repeatedly entering EPA numbers and product names into those forms. You can also open the Edit Product List dialog from those PRL data entry forms.

Upload Report


.  See EPA Registration Number List for more information.

Scroll Ignore
  • Menu Item: Tools -> Edit Product List (keystroke shortcut: Alt-T, E)

PRL Reporting Software Options: A, B

Scroll Only

-> Menu Item: Tools -> Edit Product List (keystroke shortcut: Alt-T, E)

PRL Reporting Software Options: A, B

Upload Report

The Upload Report to NYSDEC menu item/button enables you to submit your report to us when you have completed it.  See the Upload Report to NYSDEC section for more information.

Scroll Ignore
  • Menu Item: Tools -> Upload Report (keystroke shortcut: Alt-T, U)
  • Button: Upload Report (keystroke shortcut: Alt-U)

PRL Reporting Software Options: A, B, C

Scroll Only

-> Menu Item: Tools -> Upload Report (keystroke shortcut: Alt-T, U)

-> Button: Upload Report




keystroke shortcut: Alt-U)



PRL Reporting Software Options: A, B, C

Start the Upload process. See How to Submit Your PRL Report to NYSDEC for details.


The Help menu on the

Registration form

Control Center gives you access to several documents.

  • How to Submit Files to DEC — opens



  • guide.  (Options: A, B, C)
  • About — open a simple dialog box with information about the software version



Exits the program.

  • Menu Item: File


  • -> Exit (keystroke shortcut: Alt-F,


  • X)


  • Button: Exit (keystroke shortcut: Alt-


  • X)
  • Close window button (top right corner of the



  • Windows menu (click the icon in the left corner of the title bar) – Close


  • Window


Exits the Option A program.

  • If there is no missing or invalid contact or identity information, the entries are saved to the identity file in the current
Report Folder
  • report folder.
  • If contact or identity information is missing or invalid, you will be given a choice to correct the deficiencies or exit without saving.