Note |
title | Option B Discontinued |
Option B is no longer available for download. This guide is for existing users only. The Option D with Control Center software provides an Excel-based alternative to Option B. |
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After you download the Option B installation file, see the PRL Software Installation Guide to help you install the software on your computer.
Anchor |
| Enable Macros |
| Enable Macros |
Warning |
After you install Option B, you must change the macro security setting in Excel. If you do not change the security setting and enable macros, many of the features in the spreadsheets will not function correctly. Depending on your macro security setting and version of Excel, Excel may ask if you want to enable Macros when you open these forms. ALWAYS enable macros when using this software. If Macros have not been enabled, the spreadsheets should show a prominent warning in the header area. (Note: the “Macros Disabled” warning may be briefly visible when you open a form and while you are saving a form; this is normal.) The instructions for enabling macros are also available from the Help menu (Macro Security Setting item) on the Control Center. |
If you need further assistance, contact the Pesticide Reporting Service Bureau.
A message box saying something like “Data directory created called 'C:\PRL2011'.” may appear. This is normal. The data directory is the location to which your data files will be written. The Control Center then opens.
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There are several buttons and menu items available on the Control Center that can help you prepare and submit your PRL report.
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Change Report Year Excerpt Include |
| LIB61:Changing the Report Year |
| LIB61:Changing the Report Year |
Change the Report Root Excerpt Include |
| LIB61:Change Report Root |
| LIB61:Change Report Root |
Excerpt Include |
| More Control Center Functions |
| More Control Center Functions |
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Report Forms
The PRL report forms are where you will enter the data that you need to report to the NYSDEC. Each form is used to report a particular type of pesticide-related activity.
Warning |
The Excel eForms rely on the use of VBA Macros. ALWAYS enable macros when using this software. |
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Identity Fields
The identity fields in the header area of each form are filled with the values you entered on the Control Center. Changing the identity fields here does not update the corresponding fields on the Control Center. While the certification number and applicator name are editable, there are better methods for reporting for multiple applicators. The commercial permit number field is editable so that you can report for multiple commercial permittees in one report submission.
You can use standard Excel methods for moving around the spreadsheet from one cell to another.
Note |
Excel has a few surprising behaviors. If you use arrow keys or Tab to move more than one row past the part of the spreadsheet containing data, the input focus will automatically move back to the top of the worksheet instead of to the next row. |
Many of the standard editing features of an Excel spreadsheet are available for your use during data entry. For example, Copy, Cut, Paste, and Clear Contents can be used to edit individual cells. Since the eForms do not have selectable row numbers, we have provided two buttons for copying or deleting an entire row.
Values entered into cells are checked against a simple set of validation rules. See Validation for more information.
Warning |
Ditto marks or use of the words "ditto", "same", or similar entries are not accepted by the Pesticide Reporting Service Bureau. Instead, you can use the EPA Reg Number List. or copy and paste as a convenient way to enter the same information repeatedly. |
The eForms have a set of menus and controls designed to assist you in creating your PRL report.
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Excerpt Include |
| Report Form Menus and Controls |
| Report Form Menus and Controls |
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Record Layouts
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See the Data Dictionary in the Appendix for more information.
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