Option A Getting Started Guide
Option D with Control Center User Guide
Options D and O Spreadsheets User Guide
Your report must be validated by the PRL Service Bureau before it is accepted. After we process the report we will either send you a request for a corrected report or a report acceptance email.
You will not be credited with reporting for the year until we send you a report acceptance email.
If your report is accepted, review the list of applicators (or the name of the pesticide sales business) to make sure that all the applicators and/or businesses have been included. If your report was rejected, we will send you an email describing the issues with the report. Please make these corrections and email the corrected report to us at [email protected]. Be sure to include your submission number. See Correcting Rejected Reports for more information on making report corrections.
February 1 is the deadline for submitting your report to us, not for the report to be validated and accepted. Because of the backlog of reports we receive close to the deadline, it may be a few weeks before we contact you again. This does not mean that your report is late. Please monitor your inbox for emails from this email address: [email protected].
If you would like to verify whether your DEC-issued identification number has been credited with reporting for the current report year, you can do so on our Annual Reports Received page.
If you amend your report after we have accepted it, the confirmation of acceptance email we previously sent you no longer applies.